Sunday, September 14, 2014

Message for a friend for 18th birthday

Its so uncomfortable when someone ask you to deliver a speech at times that you are not prepared.
I had a bad experience before. I'm still alive after the speech but I wish I prepared more.
That time, I wasn't invited on  a debut but lets talk about 18th birthday celebration speeches now.

What message can I give to my friend on her debut?

The short answer is anything that you want to say. Be honest. Be yourself. Yo don't need to imitate speech bu other persons and you don't need to imitate someone. I'll give you a few examples:

Thank you for inviting me on this day.  You're so lucky to have  supportive parents and a grand celebration like this. I hope you can give me one like this on my own debut. I'm just joking. 

I only have one wish for your birthday and that is for you to meet your first boyfriend. I think it's time for a special girl, I mean lady, like you to meet a special someone.

Happy Happy birthday, Criselda.

I still remember the day that we first met.  You asked me the name of our professor in Physics. That time, I realized that I'm in the wrong classroom because I need to be in Marketing class. That is one of the craziest thing in my first semester at school.

I'm lucky that I met you. You are so bright and always willing to help me with my projects.
Please don't change.   I will always be here to support you!  I love you!

Thank you for inviting me.

 Now that you are 18, please be more mindful on the way you dress. You are no longer a child now.  Happy Birthday. Here is my gift for you. I think  you know what's inside. I hope you'll like it.

Be confident in delivering your message. Address it on the debutante and not on the other guests.
Don't mid the number of people around. Imagine that you and your friend are just alone. I think it will help a lot. I know you can deliver a far more better message than the samples above

Debut Sample Speech

Debut speeches are usually given at the end of the celebration. It can serve as closing remarks.
Not all debutantes are comfortable in delivering speeches. Most are shy and do not like to deliver long speeches. The truth is debut speeches don't need to be long. You just need to express what you feel. Usually, debut speech is just a series of thank you messages and appreciation to your special someones. Read on the example below

Thank you for coming tonight on my debut celebration. 
I'm so happy and surprised that my parents organized a party as big as this.  I didn't expect that I will experienced an awesome celebration tonight. Mom, Dad, I love you and thanks for taking care of me for the past 18 years. 

To my friends, I appreciate your presence and heartfelt messages. I hope we can still be together on our next semesters and even after graduation. Thank you for your patience in listening to my problems, helping me on my projects, and advising me on my love life. I promise to be there for you when you need my help. 

Lastly, I would like to thank all the sponsors and those who help in providing the decorations, food, cakes and my lovely debut gown.

Please enjoy the food and the rest of the party. 

You don't need to memorize your speech. A brief outline or idea of what you to say is sufficient planning. However, expect that you are going to deliver a speech in front of several people.
Avoid stuttering, avoid long pauses and don't be nervous. I advise you to speak in any language that you are more comfortable with to avoid nervousness and stuttering.

This is your birthday. This is your day! Just have fun and share the fun while delivering your speech.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Debut Planning

An awesome debut party is achievable by dedicating enough time for planning.
Just like a student, you need to prepare.  Just like a celebrity, you need to rehearse.

Some items that you need to identify before your big day are the following:

1. Date
When do you want to celebrate your debut? On the date of your birthdate? on a weekday? on a weekend? Sunday following your birthday?
Please remember that most students and employees have classes and work on weekdays so they might be uncomfortable in weekday schedule unless they file an absence.

2. Guest List
Who are the people invited? Do you plan to invite all your classmates or just your close friends?
Make sure that you can accommodate all of them.

3. Invitation
Send your invitation early. If you can't send a card, a social media invite is a good substitute.
Post your event on facebook and invite them. Request for a reply so you can have a head count.

Catering or someone at home will cook all the food?  Food should be enough for the confirmed guests. Prepare some extra for unexpected visitors.

Is your home or garden big enough for a debut celebration? Do you have enough space for your 18 roses dance? If you have more budget, rent an event place.
Secure the date with the event place and ask for the management support.

There are dancers or choreographers that are willing to teach you any type of dance for a fee.
However, if you have  friends who can assit you and the cotillion dancers,  don't e shy to ask their help first.

After practicing your dance, practice delivering a speech. What you need to achieve is the confidence and skill to speak in front of too many people.  Deliver a message that you really want to express.

Did I miss something? What else do we need for a perfect debut plan?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Debut Program Flow Sample

Program Flow for Debut 

You can celebrate your debut anyway you want. It is your birthday. It is your party.
There are no hard rule. But I advise you to plan so you and your guests will appreciate the entire party.

Here is sample plan for debut celebration.

Guests arrival/ Registration
Serving of refreshing drinks
Welcoming Speech (From emcee or a parent )
AVP presentation
Grand Entrance
Debutante speech
Dining (games can be organized while some are dining)
Eighteen candles (speeches)
Messages and wishes from family member
Singing of birthday song
Cutting of birthday cake
18 roses or 18 dances
Debutante’s speech
Distribution of Giveaways and Prizes

There are other debut program flow samples out there like the one from Debut Ideas website. Debut program flows are similar to each other because the main activities for debut program are the same: prayer, dining, 18 roses, debutante speech. Again, there's no strict rule for debut celebration as long as you keep yourself and your audience happy.

Here are my other tips for debut program:

1.Reserve food for late comers
   (Kawawa naman kung maubusan, may regalo pa naman atang dala)
2.Assign a person who can assists your guests to their seats.
 (Kailangan may mag-asikaso sa mga taong mahiyain)
3.Always give your guest a reason to stay till the end of your party
  (Iwasan natin ang pagkakaron ng mga bisitang eat-and-run)
4.Huwag kalimutan magpasalamat
 (Chance mo na 'to para magfeeling artista at mag-thank you sa mga sponsor)

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Glam Rock Theme for Debut

Glam Rock Theme for Debut
Theme for Debut: Glam Rock

Glam Rock is also known as glitter rock. Glam rock is a good choice for debut theme or 18th birthday because glam rock attires or costume are widely available. One might no longer need to buy.

By the way, its hard to differentiate glam rock with punk rock.  For me, glam rock is just the same with punk rock but glam rock is less wild and less outrageous. Glam rock is glamorous!

Photo from

Going EMO
The simplest style for glam rock are jeans, black shirts and some accessories. Silver and metallic accessories looks good with black outfit. White is also a good combination for black suits and dresses .

For shoes, go for boots!
The easiest trick for a glam rock is putting on eye liner.

If you want more ideas for a glam rock look, you can search for famous artist who wears rock or glam rock like attires like Adam Lambert and Daniel Padilla.

Where to find glam rock accessories?

SM department stores. Bracelets, necklaces, earrings,gloves   They have lots of them at cheap prices.
However, you may find more appropriate items on other stalls.

People are People.  Tried and tested. I bought here a bracelet with spikes at a discounted price.
The bracelet is long enough to be worn as a necklace and even as a belt.

I also bought a pair of black gloves with zipper. The gloves I bought doesn't look like gloves for motorbikes.
It looks like intently tailored for celebration such as debut party.

Tiangge or tyange.  Small stores selling accessories may offer you cool items at a cheap price like bracelets for 50 pesos, dog tag for 50 pesos, belts at around 100 pesos. Before you buy, please note that some tyangge items may not be as durable and they may break easily.   In tiyangge, you may find cool stuffs at a very low price but they might not last long.  

Monday, June 9, 2014

Debut Gift Ideas

Is it good to give cash on 18th birthday? What do you think is a good gift for debut? How about the best gift give for debut that you received?

For me, its not OK to give cash for 18th birthday. Cash is more reasonable to give on other occasions like wedding because couple needs money to start with their married life. Nowadays, its common that couples appreciate cash gifts more and they usually state that on their invitation with a creative quote.
But you should believe that a gift is worth giving,
an envelope for our future is a delightful blessing

That's a part of a message of my recently received wedding invitation. Quotes like this are unusual for debut celebrations.The closest thing similar to cash  that I feel comfortable to give are cash coupons that can be exchange for items or services on selected malls or restaurants.

For debut,  aside form cash coupons, you can  also give wrapped gifts like dress, bags, gadgets, and women's accessories. Powerbanks, monopod, external hard drives are some useful gadgets that every girl will likely to appreciate.

If you are low on budget but you have lots of time in preparing a surprise, making a scrapbook full of your photos together is a good alternative.   You can also make a video presentation and gather written and video messages from your close friends and classmates in High school and college.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Message for Debut Celebrant

A good debut message will come from the heart and not from the internet. But short articles may help you express your feelings.

By the way, the correct word to use to describe the birthday girl is the celebrator and NOT celebrant.
Celebrant is defined as one who performs religious rites like a priest. It's not unusual to hear celebrant but its safer to use celebrator. If you don't feel comfortable using celebrant or celebrator, call her birthday girl.

Think of what you really want to say.  
Do you want her to laugh? Use some knock knock jokes or nice pickup lines.
Do you want her to be inspired? You can add inspirational quotes
Do you want to reveal her secrets or trivias about her ?
Do you want to add some wish for the birthday girl?
Most message about birthdays will tell about success. This might mean happiness, money, money or more money, spiritual enlightenment, good health, more birthdays, more friends, happy family, high grades or a boyfriend. You can share your wish for some of the things I shared above

Be Honest. You know you that you need to be

Don't be Shy. If you're the birthday celebrant, you also want to hear a message from your family and friends.  No one will bite you. Nothing bad will happen if you stand up and speak up.She is special to you, remember?

Make the message long enough.  I experienced giving a message to a long time friend. All I said was 'We've been together for so very long. I will miss you'. Now, I feel that my message is too short. It sounded that my short statement contradicts our long journey together. Avoid making the mistake that I did. Make your message long enough. It doesn't need to be a 2 hour speech though haha.

Express your support. You know this.. This is the time when you say .. I will always be here for you

Smile, Kiss or Hug the celebrant.  Actions can speak better than words

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mobile Cocktail Bar for Debut Party

Mobile Bar for 18th Birthday Celebration

If you have your parents approval for mobile bar, it will definitely look good on your venue.
Because mobile bars adds amazing colors to a party.

There are 2 or 3 mobile bars at the Megamall event Wedding and Debut event but I missed to capture all of their names.

Here are some mobile bar photos

Debut Souvenir ideas

I found several items, giveaways and souvenirs at home. I hope it will inspire you to think of your own souvenir designs for debut.

Cupcakes Giveaway for Debut

Star Glass Bottle Souvenir

Cake in a Jar Giveaway

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dresses for Debut

Debut Dress

Strive to be beautiful on your big day. I know you already are but you'll be better on a dazzling dress. They say that debut is second to wedding as the most important event on a Filipina's life so its just natural to look for the perfect attire.

Even you dont know what color or shade to choose or if you dont know what to style to choose, Quinceanera dresses may help you.  Quinceanera is a similar celebration to debut. Quinceanera is the 15th birthday celebration of Latin American girls.

Watch the collection of dresses in youtube (ABC fashion)

Songs for Debut

I think you want to learn some songs suitable for debut. You might even wander on the songs by other celebrants.  Lucky for you since some debutante's are sharing their experience on you tube.
Watch their debut dance on youtube

Little Things                  by One Direction,
Give Me Love               by Ed Sheeran,
Keep Holding On          by Avril Lavigne,
Catching Feelings          by Justin Bieber,
Just Give Me A Reason  by Pink,
She Will Be Loved         by Maroon 5,
Love Bug                        by Jonas Brothers,
Thousand Years              by Christina Perri,
Thinkin Bout You           by Frank Ocean,
Especially For You          by MYMP,
Haven't Met You Yet       by Michael Buble,
When We Say                  by AJ Rafael,
By Chance                       by JRA,
Be Alright                        by Justin Bieber,
Mr. Boombastic               by Shaggy
Daylight                           by Maroon 5
With A Smile                   by Eraserheads

Friday, May 16, 2014

Cotillion Dance Steps

Do you wander how other debutante and guests performed their cotillion dance?
Do you want to have some inspiration for your cotillion waltz? Don't miss to watch the following videos from youtube.

Music is A Thousand Years by Cristina Perri

Music is Can I have this Dance

Hope this will serve as learning materials for you.  Goodluck for discovering your own cotillion steps and choreography.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Best Debut Gifts

Nothing will beat a gift that comes from the heart.  Sometimes, your attendance is the best gift for debut that the celebrant will appreciate. But if there's something that can remind her of you and represent your love, material gifts are the best option.

1.Photo and Video compilation. If you have the talent, you can create a photo album or a video for her. The video may contain various messages from you and your friends, birthday wishes. It may also include your best and worst moments together. You can also show hundreds of throwback Thursday photos.

2.Travel deal or travel tickets. You want to create more memorable experiences with her? Invite her to travel and have a vacation.  Invite her to a beach or to a resort

3. 'Personal' gifts or personalized gifts. Make something special for her or customized/personalized your gift.  Create that unique gift that she can't buy in any stores.

Quinceanera chambelanes suits: What to buy?

Chambalane suits

Chambelanes are the males escorts on Quinceanera parties. One of their common attire is the suit.
Debut escorts and Sweet 16 escorts will also looks good on suits.

Tips for the Boys
I have few tips on buying your chambelane suit

1. When there's a theme, go with the theme.

2. Be mindful of your partner's dress and match it. What is the color? What is the design? What is the cloth?  Wearing the same color is not a must but you have to complement or blend with it.  You'll be nicer to look when you're near each other.
Once you satisfy the number 1 tip above, its not hard to complement your partner's dress or gown.

3. My third advice is applicable for every clothing that you will buy. Be wise. Go for something that you can use over and over again on different occasions.  Any suit that will only wear once is expensive for me.  (Sometimes, its better to rent if you just wear it once)

4.Wear something that you're comfortable it. Try your suit and walk around.
ts possible that you'll have a dance on Quinceanera so test your suit. It might be lousy, too small or  too big for you.

5. Wear it elegantly. Don't slouch. Act like a model with your best suit.

Quinceañera vs Sweet 16 vs Debut: What is the difference?

 What is the difference of  Quinceañera and  Sweet 16 and Debut?

The answer is simple. Answer lies on age. Quinceañera is for 15th birthday.
Sweet 16 is of course for 16th birthday while Debut is for 18th birthday.

The places where these are celebrated are different too. Quinceañera  is usually celebrated by the Mexicans and Mexio, Sweet 16 by North Americans (US or Canada) and finally debut is being celebrated in the Philippines.

No one will stop you if you want to have 15th birthday, 16th birthday, 18th birthday celebration in other country and call it whatever you like. Isn't it your birthday? Have fun.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Debut Themes

Imagine that you have the budget, money is not an issue. Girl, what will you do to have the happiest debut celebration?

For me, I'll arrange a party along the beach or beside the pool. I'll organize a beach party or a swimming pool party.  I'll think a pool party is easier to manage

Swimming Pool Party
Attire:I'll inform the guests beforehand to bring swimming attire if they want to swim and participate with my games.

Games: Of course, I'll have the games in the pool. There will be a hunt for prizes at the bottom of the pull. Or we can play the traditional bring games but all the items should come from the pool.  Items maybe floating or hidden at the bottom.

Drinks: Drinks will be served but will be moderated since I don't want unexpected events

Venue: The place will be decorated with shells, starfish, beach volleyball and other 'summer things'
             I'll have baloons floating on the swimming pool.

Foods: I'll go with roasted pork or chickens and barbecue! Perfect after swimming!

18 treasures and their Meaning

18 Gifts and their Meaning

Gifts for debut should have importance with the celebrant.
Meaningful gifts will be appreciated more by the receiver.

On 18 treasures, sometimes guest are asked with the meaning of their gifts. Sometimes, the debut host asks the reasons for giving the specific gift. You better prepare for instances like this.

To help you, I'm listing down some gifts and key meanings that you can associate with it.

Jacket  - protection. to provide warmth
Watch  - be time conscious.  A remider that time is gold
Mirror  -stay beautiful
Shoes - set a long journey. protection for a long jouney
Mug - replenishment, refreshment for a stressful life
Cellphone - stay connected
Album/Pictures - don't forget our precious memories. Never forget us. Don't forget that we are here you
Lamp - light. Guide during your dark hours
Rosary/Cross/Religious items - Stay faithful
Airline Tickets - Explore the world
Books - Learn new things
Chocolates - sweetness
Cooking stuff - stay healthy


Waltz Songs for Debut

Songs for Debut

Debut songs? Hey Girl, there are various genres of debut songs but if you are looking for Waltz songs, you've come to the right place.

I'm making a list of Waltz music that will magically bring life and beauty to a debut party.

Waltz Music (Classical/Instrumental)
Cinderalla Waltz
Sleeping Beauty Waltz
El Danubio Azul (Johann Strauss)

If you can't search for El Danubio Azul, I think this is the same with Blue Danube.
I dont speak Spanish but I think its not hard to associate Azul with Blue and Danubio with Danube.
Both were from Johann Strauss. Actually, Johann Strauss also have other songs that may fit for debut waltz.

If you want to have more modern songs for Waltz, choose with the list of debut songs below.
Some are not that easy to dance but hey the list is long and I'm sure you'll appreciate at least 1 (or even 18!) song on the list.  You can even use some of them for your AVP, father and daughter dance or 18 roses.

All My Life – Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville
As Time Goes By – Michael Feinstein
At Last by Etta James
At Last by Etta James
Can't Help Falling In Love – Elvis Presley
Could I Have This Dance – Ann Murray
Don't Want to Miss a Thing - Aerosmith
Everything I Do by Bryan Adams
Faithfully – Journey
Fly Me To The Moon – Frank Sinatra
From This Moment On – Shania Twain
Here And Now – Luther Vandross
I Can Love you Like That – John M. Montgomery
I Swear – John M. Montgomery or All 4 One
I'll Be There – Mariah Carey
It Had To Be You – Harry Connick, Jr.
It is you (Shrek)
Just the Way you Are - Bruno Mars
Lucky – Jason Mraz & Colbie Cailat
Marry Me – Train
Moon River – Andy Williams
My Skin
No Ordinary Love – Sade
On Bended Knee by Boyz II Men
Our Love Is Here To Stay – Harry Connick, Jr.
Power Of Love – Celine Dion
Thank You – Bon Jovi
The Patriot
The Way You Look Tonight – Frank Sinatra
This Moment On – Shania Twain
Tonight I Celebrate My Love – Roberta Flack & Peabo Bryson
Unchained Melody – The Righteous Brothers
Unforgettable – Nat King Cole
Vito's waltz
What A Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong
When A Man Loves A Woman – Percy Sledge
When You Say Nothing At All – Allison Krauss
Winter Waltz
You raise me up

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Venue for debut: Suncrest

Suncrest Resort

Privacy is important for celebrations like debut. However, we don't want to travel far away and get lost in the city or province. And we also don't want to allot too much time in assisting every guest during the celebration on how to get to the venue.

I found a resort in Batangas which is perfect  for 18 birthday celebration venue. It is just around 5 mins away from Taal Basilica. The resort name? Suncrest.

Suncrest has a swimming pool for kids and adults. You can rent each of their gazebos at 500 pesos.
You can rent the wholeplace for 20, 000 pesos. This includes the use of swimming pool and function hall. Imagine having your party beside the pool. Nice isn't? Suncrest is good for a pool party debut theme.

To read a review of this resort visit

Friday, April 11, 2014

Program flow for Debut Celebration

This is a general flow  of an 18th birthday celebration

  • Entrance
  • Welcome remarks
  • Snacks
  • Games or raffles 
  • 18 roses
  • Dinner
  • 18 candles
  • Games or raffles 
  • 18 gifts or 18 treasures / 18 messages
  • Games or raffles
  • Debutant speech

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Father and Daughter Dance Songs for your Debut

I'm planning to evaluate these songs. Maybe one or all of them is good for a sweet father and daughter dance.

Butterfly Kisses - Bob Carlisle

Cinderella - Steven Curtis Chapman

Daughter by John Mayer
My Girl - Temptations
My little girl - Tim Mcgraw
Never grow up - Taylor Swift
Ready set dont go - Billy Ray ft. miley
Unforgettable - Natalie Cole and Nat King Cole

Let me know if you know a list of better songs for debut dance. Any suggestions?

Songs for 18 Birthday AVP (Audio Video Presentation)

Eighteen birthday is a time to be happy so I'm listing good vibes song here

1. Best day of my Life by American Authors - Its time to scan those old Facebook pictures. Select your most unforgettable moments and include them with the celebrant video presentation


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Souvenirs for Debut

1. Be Sweet.  Cupcakes and chocolates

2. Decorate your guest's home. Small figurines, small toys

3. Keychains
4. Refrigerator Magnets
5. Bottle Openers

Debut Songs for the Grand Entrance

I enjoyed playing songs from 18 roses songs page. But today, I'm trying to evaluate the best song for grand entrance shared in

Here are the suggestions on the site

  • She’s Always a Woman by Billy Joel
  • Journey by Lea Salonga
  • Reflection by Christina Aguilera
  • Out of My League by Stephen Speaks
  • You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker
I tried to played each song and I think its a tie with Reflection by Christina Aguilera and Journey by Lea Salonga. I chose those two because they are livelier compared to the dramatic songs like You Are So Beautiful and She’s Always a Woman.  

Anyway, when choosing the song try to blend it with your own personality and the mood and theme of your event.  If you want other songs, keep on reading in Songs for Debut

Lastly, i think Songs for AVP will also be a good substitute for debut grand entrace songs!
Around 50 songs for 18th birthday are waiting for you in list of songs for debut
You can use different genres of music. I usually find celebratios and dances that combines both traditional and modern music for their dance performances. There's no need to limit yourself in traditioanl waltz songs.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Debut Invitation Suppliers

Actually, you don't need to start from scratch and worry for the designs of your invitation cards.
There are several master designers out there. They will do the work for you! Leverage with their talent!

I'll introduce you to some of them !

Please note that most of them requires a minimum number of prints. Usually 50 or 100 pcs

Paper Artsy



Print Divas

Gift for Debut - Chocolates !

Are you thinking of a nice gift for debut?

Chocolates!  But don't give her ordinary chocolates! Try to search for something special.
Something that she haven't tried before. Give her a chocolate as special as the chocolates from chocolate confections!

I discovered chocolate confections from a megamall event and I like their idea of combinig wine or liquors and chocolates in just one box.

If your acquaintance is not drinking any alcoholic drinks, they also offer other packages.
They also have a pair of religious items and chocolates.

 Chocolates  is also a nice giftaway for birthdays and weddings!

Flipbook: A unique idea to celebrate your debut

Are you a fun of photobooth? Do you want something new and more interesting thing to try on your 18th birthday? Do you want to have an exciting activity for your guest?  Have you heard about Flipbook?

When I was walking in Megamall trade hall, a bunch of people grabbed my attention.
Usually in a bridal and debut fair, people are reading pamphlets and flyers but these people are flipping mini-books!

They are flipping the book so fast one after another.  They flip it like they are looking for something important inside ( a bookmark?, a receipt?, a specific page?, I dont know!) .  But I realized, they are just flipping the book so fast to witness  an animation. 

In Flipbook, your guests can have a chance to have a seven second video clip that can be played via flipping a small book.  Each book will contain 60 pages. The book is as big as a standard business card so it is easy to flip, flip, and flip.

You can play and watch  sample of their creative books on their website  

See how flipbooks work and be amaze. Have fun!!

Please inquire for their updated rates also. The picture I shared is during their promotion on bridal fair in megamall

Monday, February 24, 2014

Cakes for Debut

Fondant cakes ! Chocolate Cakes! Amazing Cakes!

Do you know where to order your cake for your 18th birthday?
When I'm passing Megamall, there's a gathering of businesses that cater wedding and debut.
A big part of them sells cakes. Here are some of the participants:

Cherry Blossoms

Top Cakes

Gervy's Amazing Cakes

Angelyn's Cakes

I'm sure each one of them can make you a great cake for your 18th birthday.

Debut Invitation Ideas

Here are some pointers and suggestions for your debut invitation

Debut invitation serves as the teaser for the event.  At the very least, it should convey the details on what's going to happen and where and when will it happen.

1. Your debut invite should match your theme or motif.  
If your theme is cosplay characters, you may print a lot of famous characters on the invitation.
But I'll tell you a better idea. Put a cape or a mask on your invitation. Dress your invitation according to your theme.

2.Use the right font size. Help your readers. February 14, 2014  is easier to read than February 14, 2014. You get my point?  

3.Print enough invites.  You don't want to have a family member or a friend without an invite so print enough.  Filipinos wanted to be invited and if there's no invitation they  are switching to their "tampo" mode.  Maybe they are thinking "Hmmp, di naman ako invited, wala naman ako invitation, di na ko pupunta".  I believe the act of lending an invitation card is showing an intent that you really wanted the person to be on the event.  When you lend out invitation to a close family member and friends, make sure that you'll also send invitations to your other close family and friends.  Be fair enough.

4.Instruct your guest.  Request your guess to wear formal attire,  prepare a song number, bring the invitation, to come on time Feel like a boss in your invite. Hehehe

5.Include directions to venue.  On this section, it is a wise idea to put a map.  If the venue is hard to locate, include directions. On making the directions, consider both guest who will come via private and public transporation.

6.Make it a ref magnet (Optional)  Invitation sometimes get lost or the dates are forgotten. But sticking the date to a refrigerator will remind your guests of your celebration.

I will create a page for companies in the Philippines that offer designs and printing of invitation cards.
Wait for it. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Games for debut

Fun Games for 18th birthday party

You have lots of guest. Most of them looks tired from a long trip.  Others look shy.
The rest looks bored.  Something needs to be done to liven up the crowd - Games !

Games is a fun way to break the awkward silence and shyness with your guests. If you invited family members, relative, classmates and friends then not all of them knew each other. Games is a fun way to introduce a friend to your cousins. Let them mingle with each other.

What games?

My first suggestion is to have group games. Form a group and play a series of Minute to Win it games.Each group will send a representative to each game.  Teamwork and planning are imporatant. Each group will need to send or reserve the best player for each game.

Sweet Games
Since debut is a celebration for an 18 year old there will be other teenagers around.
If most of the guests are singles then you can organize an activity for  pairs.

Im referring to games like eating an apple where a boy and a girl will help each other to finish eating an apple without using their hands. This games was played over and over again and I won't suggest it. but if you want, I will not stop you.

Anyway doing a slight variation or a different paired game will be more exciting.  How about eating ice cream or cotton candy or cake with lots of ic?

If you go for classic sweet games then I suggest the Paper dance game.  Im sorry I forgot the proper game title. I'm referring to the game where a background music is playing and when the music stop, the pair should stop dancing and step on a piece of paper and newspaper. Their feet should not touch the ground or floor until the music plays again.  Those who fail to do the task will be eliminated. On the succedding rounds, the paper will be folded in the middle.  Paper size will be reduced to half.  At latter rounds,  the boy may need to hug or lift his partner. The last pair who didn't touch the ground or floor is the winner of this game. Sweet isn't it?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Flowers for Debut

Flowers everywhere

After reading this article, you only need to remember one word - Dangwa!

Dangwa is  the  perfect place to shop for flowers.  It is a convention party of all flowers.  Ecuadorian roses, tulips, mums, stargazer..they all have it.  It looks like they are already celebrating a party when you get there.  Only the tables and chairs are missing.

Big stalls in dangwa uses refrigerator to preserve the beauty of freshly cut flowers. Some of the flowers were imported. Some were from asian countries like  Thailand but sources can be as far as Holland

I had a chance to visit dangwa during early morning of valentine's day.  We arrived there around 2AM.  It doesn't look like 2AM because all the people there were very lively. No one is asleep.  It's as if every one was overdose with coffee a few hours ago. If I didn’t looked with my phone, I'll think that it is only 8 in the evening.

In Dangwa, you can ask for discounts. Ask more stalls for two reasons. First, each place may offer different flowers.Second, stalls may offer you different price for the same quality of flower. Experienced buyers share that   flower shops in the inner part of the market are generally cheaper.  Don't settle for the first store you see

Ask, Ask, Ask!

There are more items where you need the seller's help.
Ask for instructions on how to handle the flowers after you brought them at home.
Usually, they will tell you to cut the flower's stem diagonally and submerge the stem on water.

Ask for delivery. If you think that you can't carry the flowers safely, ask if they can deliver it to your place. They will charge you additional amount for the delivery. The cost may range to a few hundreds but it is justifiable given the effort and time that they will spend in delivering the goods.
Seek help for good color and flower combinations.  You may know your favorite color and favorite flower but you need to have background colors and flowers. Colors that will blend is what you need.

Lastly, get the seller contact details preferably their calling card  and mobile phone number.

When you have the seller'r  number, you can easily track the delivery status and you may also contact them again for new orders without going to Dangwa.

What needs to be consider for a debut celebration

What needs to be consider for a debut celebration

  • Audience
  • Venue 
  • Food 
  • Cost 
  • Music

Why choose a theme for debut?

Why choose a theme for debut?

  • Here are some reasons 
  • Good pictures
  •  Blend with the venue
  •  More organized event
  • Easy identification
  • more fun
  • glamorous picture taking at photobooth
  • adds excitement
  • and more (eye catching, "marketing")

Debut Party Themes

What are your suggested themes for debut ?

Would  you consider the following?

KPOP Debut theme

KPOP stands for Korean popular musics.  Everybody in the Philippines are aware of the rising popularity of korean music, telenovelas.  Even, Yahoo Philippines, have a section for Korean Wave.
korean  debut theme will be enjoyed by KPOP fans (snsd, psy, sandara fans)

For the venue, you can select a korean restaurant. If korean restaurant is out of the budget, you can choose a non-korean venue but demand for some korean foods or decorations in your venue.
You can also celebrate a Kpop theme at your home.

Why KPOP theme? KPOP is a good choice because some may have readily available KPOP looking suits and dresses. Even if they dont have one, korean dresses are widely available. With KPOP as your theme,  there will no need for fancy or customized costumes.

Why not KPOP theme?
You can't please everybody at the same. I mean there might be some audience who is not fan or irritated by KPOP idea.  You can't expect every Filipino to welcome all Korean culture in an instant, right?

How to have the KPOP look ?
Aside from the dresses and suits for men. You can invest with hairstyles. Korean girls usually have curly or distinct asian hairstyle. Most of the time, they have colored or highlighted hair.

You can use your 18th birthday as opportunity to change the color of your hair. You can also use wig but I suggest don’t wear it the whole day so others may recognize you and be mesmerized with your real beauty.

If you want you can visit a korean beauty salon like Tony & Jackey

An easy way to have the korean feel is to choose black and white as the motif.  
Look at Korean MTVs and  korean boybands .Usually they wear black and white shirts, suits, and pants.Be careful not to look like a domino or dalmatian hahaha. Just kidding.

Debut Invitation Ideas
Send the invites.  Have korean characters.  Address the guest with their names written on Korean characters.

Debut music Idea
Play the music.  Prepare a list of songs related to KPOP and birthday celebrations.
Here are some suggestions.

Do the Gangnam style.  Gangnam style is a popular dance craze from . It may not be popular now but you can search for similar KPOP songs to play.  Why not project a korean MTV?

Debut Food Ideas
Dial BonChon or korean restaurant. I prefer korean restaurant foods.
You can order Bibimbap, Kimchi, Bulgogi and more...

Popular Movie

Set a movie as your theme

Did you hit the like button for Hunger Games?Another idea for your debut theme is your favorite movie or a recent blockbuster movie.  Hunger games showcase tantalizing gowns and evening dresses.  One doesn’t want to wear flaming dresses but everybody will want to wear  as elegant with actress's dress on her 18th birthday.  

Debut Invitation Idea
For invitation, you can use old scrolls similar with the ones used in the movie as design.

Debut Souvenir Idea
There might be no mockingjays on the Philippines but you can have walking and flying pigeons or  doves on your venue.  Better yet find an event center who takes care pigeon. Let your guests feed them.

For souvenir, you can let your guest have  mockingjay pins.

 Hello Kitty Party  Debut Theme

 Hello kitty is for kids but no one will argue with you if you still love them when you are 18 years old or older.  It is a highly collectible item.  I think you have a friend with a collection or watch someone who was featured on a TV show for filling his whole room with hello kitty stuffs.

Trying to achieve a Hello Kitty appeal is easily achievable by choosing the right colors.  The trick is to set pink and white as the motif.  Cover the stage,  every tables and chairs with pink and white curtains and cloths and you'll have the hello kitty feel. Be sure to get the right shade of pink!

18 Treasure Ideas
If you want, you can also inform your friends and guests that you accept any  gift but you'll appreciate more if you can have hello kitty stuffs on your 18 treasures or 18 gifts.

For every theme, make sure you'll have a matching song. You can browse to around 50 different debut songs on Songs for Debut page

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Debut Theme Ideas

Now that you are turning 18 and you have forced (i mean convinced) your mom and dad for a mega celebration, I think you are now excited to search for your theme.

Here are my first 5 suggestions.

Inspect your closet for Sandara-looking clothes!

Did you buy masks on the last maskara festival in Bacolod? Its time to use it again.

Do you want your childhood dreams to come into life? This is your chance to show your wings.
You can also set Tinkerbell of Peter Pan as one of your inspirations

4.Pool Party
Everything about swimming pools, beach party, and summer!

5.Prince and Princess
This is somewhat easier to prepare unless you plan to have a castle.

Have fun  planning for a magnificent debut celebration !